Sunday, December 27, 2009

50% off!

so, my first reaction when this window popped up, "omg this is so weird?" i guess i never thought i would actually create a blog. well we'll see for how long ill keep myself inspired.
so i guess without further introduction. welcome and enjoy the ride. haha.

and am i supposed to write in english or swedish? or finnish or spanish. i think it'll be a glorious mix of em all.

todays events. went to rax for some food, i never go there but we happend to have 2 gift certificates. had two slices of pizza and a whole lot of salad! gina tricot happend to be just too close by to pass by without buying something so a piece of clothing -50%! great.
both me and g forgot out toothbrushes in my mom and dads house so 2 x toothbrush toiletpaper and milk had to be bought from Sale. and the reason why i feel 4 months pregnant is makuuni candy. gosh!

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