Sunday, January 17, 2010


i feel great! woke up this morning with plenty of energy, perfect for the body pump class. which i did enjoy a 100%!! thinking about going to my first zumba class tonight! not to make a total fool out of myself i think im gonna dance some zumba at home before. :)
ok time for some food. chicken salad is on the menu!


  1. Oj, zumbar du å? :D ja ska just börj me mitt hemmazumba :) ha hålli på i över ett halvt år nu..ha bara vari lite omotivation som ha komi i vägen men nu ska ja skärp mej å :D å body pump ska ja börj på me å :D hoppas du tycker zumba e rolit! :)

  2. ja tell me about zumba! ja ha int vari på de ännu. å min zumba video här hemma funkar int. va tycker du om de? kram
